Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gone With The Wind


Today, I'm being positive. Nape ntah. I woke up this morning with a very good feeling. Perhaps dapat mimpi kot. And so I went to MARA dengan semangat nye. Since It's a weekday, I chose to go by LRT then. Cramp kang kakiku nak drive balik if I go by car.

As I entered the main entrance of Medan MARA, terpana beberapa kali for a few bridal boutiques yang tayang baju cantikla amaattt. Fokus adalah perlu kepada nawaitu ku. And so I ignored the charms.

Langkah kanan gua. Today hari MARA bertemu pelanggan rupanya. So I went and asked tons of questions la kan, just to clear my doubts. Took home few flyers with me. Unfortunately, that was not the only item that I took home with.

Dengan kaki kiri yang gatalnya, I melangkah penuh laju tanpa hala tuju. Sedar2 je dah kat depan Ariani (yooo..lahhh)..Ngeeee...Despite the flyers, I also took home 3 scarfs with me. After spending hours at Ariani which was more than I spent at MARA, terasa kaki mula melecet pakai heels. And so I walked back to the LRT Bandaraya station.

Cisss..kataku di dalam hati. Escalator to the LRT station tepi Sogo ni tutup plak for construction. Tade choice, it's either I went for the hard furtherst way, or I just bypass into the Sogo. Since my kaki was melecet already, and the weather and dusts lagi, bypass seems to be a better option at that time. And so, knowing the temptations of splendor ahead, I memberanikan diri melangkah masuk.

Dengan terlupa nak baca Bismillah, I ter-accidentally stopped by at a few perfume and fragrances booth. Dengan nawaitu yang baik, since I had no chance to celebrate Abah's birthday yesterday (oh ahCong, you belum wish lagi ek yang?) so I bought him a present la.

Altogether what did I brought home kawan2? Niat asal nak bawak balik apa je? Should be costless kan...And now??

And so goes my day. RM1k gone with the wind. I guess bila lama terperap kat rumah, nilah natijahnye..

Note 1: I'm accepting ahCong's challenge: I'll burn out my calories tomorrow!
Note 2: I'm postponing ahCong's 2nd challenge: I'll learn the masak later la..
Note 3: My besty should be in the labor room by now. I hope so..Lama dah ni


~ mizzAmy ~ said...

~ itu lah kan. tak plan, tapi last-last ter'beli jugak. tak per la, beli hadiah for your dad. kat ariani tuh mesti tudung ekin. so, untuk keperluan juga tuh. ;) ~

zLa said...
