Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yes and No

Salam, all..

Today I received a few wisdom words from a wedding photographer. Katanye:-

Colours to say NO:
-Navy Blue
-Red Roses

Colours to say absolutely YES:
-Shades of Pink
-Shades of Purple
-Shades of Green
-Shades of Yellow

The NOs tu for the reason kurangla canteknye dalam gambar. Tu katanye dia. Wallahualam..Tapi tak tau la kan..kadang bukan leh caya sangat pun. perhaps tak cantik dalam gambar sebab derang tak pandai amek ke..tak pandai main lighting ke kan..

All in conclusion: I need to keep myself altogether and stick with my choice for another 11 months and 1 day. Boleh ke???

Note: I do realize the entry is all again about colours :D


ryy.han said...

wah bagusnya dpt advice colour fr photographer...=)

compared to myself amik kaler suka-suki...xde study lnsg colour palette....mmandangkan kahwin di kg yg limited option baju2 Alhamdulillah dh lepas pun

Ms Aliz said...

ohh xpe2, yang penting perkara2 wajib tu selesai..yang lain tu cuma hiasan duniawi je..kan3? :)

ana said...

hai..kinda not agree with that..
pada saya semua color nampak menarik dalam gambar kalau photographer pandai ambik. maybe he's not up with the challenge :)
red color look gorjes in the pic mustahil lah tak lawa!
sometimes photog ni dia kata tak lawa sebab dia dah banyak capture color tu, so dia nak capture something new so dia suggest color2 baru. apa pun pertukaran warna bergantung kpd pengantin sendiri, just my 2 cents. good luck with ur wedding! :) -ana-

Ms Aliz said...

betul jugak kan..bila pk2 balik sometimes their opinion ni kadang2 ada hidden agenda, bukannya mutual benifits...hmmm...entahla...wallahualam

thanks ana btw!